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My Precious LaoPoZai BABE |
recent entries HAIX Work(Nestle Ice Cream Promoter) Uncontrollable Changes oOo For My Mommy Dedication For My Baby GIrl Mess Up Baby Baby~~ Valentine Ah... To Babe MY LAO PO ZAI~~~~~~~~ WooT`~~WooT~~~ |
Thursday, January 28, 2010 @ Thursday, January 28, 2010
DamnAt Office damn sien leh Mentor went out again Haix Tis whole week duduk je kat office lol YEsterday they got their pay check jor But I didnt receive any =S Are they gonna give me next month together? IF yes Thn Im in deep shit The Money I got on me is not enough for to survive next month I calculate & see rm100 = parking rm200(MIN) = petrol rm150-160 = tol wtf Almost rm500 leh =S SOme more tis month i work for half a month surely GG jor SOMEBODY SAVE ME! xD nways KARmun's birthday is on tis coming saturday half looking for it half worrying bout couldnt finish up her gift FAG =S xD lalalalalala... didnt got any photo to post mayb tonight after tea will hv soon to post cya T~T my blog doesnt hv much ppl visit =S |
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fuck Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!? WTH!? D@mN!? HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAR! KNEW BOTH OF U SINCE PRIMARY! ONE IS AT THE AGE OF 8 THE OTHER IS 9 20- 8 = 12 YEARS 20 - 9 = 11 YEARS WTF!? I NOE WE LESS CONTACT BUT WTF!? FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF WANNA BE LIKE TIS ............................. I HELL WILLING TO GIVE UP TIS FUCKED UP FRENSHIPs WITH U TWO... GO N FUCKING ENJOY UR FUCKING RELATIONSHIP... IM NOT CURSING UR RELATIONSHIP I EVEN WISH U TWO HV A GOOD RELATIONSHIP BUT NO MATTER HOW IM STILL FUCKED UP! TIS IS HOW U GUYS TREAT A LONG FRENSHIP HEY AS MENTIONED I HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WILLING TO GIVE UP TIS FUCKED UP FRENSHIPs... F U C K ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! |
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ Monday, January 25, 2010
~*~Memories Of U~*~
YES... I dId DiSaPpEaR foR qUitE sOmEtiMe I x CakAp dgn aWak... Tat's my bad... buT It'S DoesN'T Mean TAt I 4GoTtEn BoUt U... Sorry wouldn't be enough... So I dedicate this post to you... ^^V EnJoY... The 1st Day wE FInaLly GoT TOgEthEr wAs Whn ThE SpORt WaS GoiNg On SOoN The WHOlE SEROJAH TeAm WaS TrAiNiG PREpARinG RuNniNg JuMpinG HvInG FuN LAUghIng ThE Day WhERe ThE PrAcTicE For ~HIGH JUMP~ EvErY1 Is LaUghIng & EnJOYiNG eVenThouGH DIDnT Make IT Over The POlE Tat'S WhErE I NoTiCE U ThE GirL Who AsIk LaUgH TIll ABle To Spot The TeeTh~S Not The Eye~s HAhA But ArEnT FrEnZ By Thn LATer On DiD On ThE SPort Day U TooK 1St in The SPriNt EvEnt Told U TAt Will Get U A giFt As A ToKen For UR WInnING AnD I DiD Ur BIRthDay COmIng SoOn (2007) IT Was On Wed Tat CurrEnt YEar I CoulDnt Go On9 BeCAuSe Of FaiLuRe On COmpUtEr But I PrOmiSe~d U TaT NO MAtTEr WhaT I Will ON~9 To GReET U N I DiD WiTh MaXis 3G+N70+MiG33+AT MY GRANDMA's RooM+On Top OF The TV At Around 8.30-9.00 I wEnT On9 TO WIsh YA HAppY BIrTHdaY ^^V ThE SoT Gang The HaPPiEsT ThiNG I EveR DiD is To FOrm Tis SillY Little GanG WIth JUlYn (BUT I GUESS SHE HAD 4GOTTEN) AMonG All U CaN ConSidEr The MosT SuPpoRtEd PeRSon in The Gang FollOwing By Julia/Daniel/Chermayne/aiReen/Alan~~ETC ETC Some MAy 4GOtTen The Whole Gang ThinGy But I Didnt... I KeEp EvEry MemOry Of It Ur ANoThEr BirThdAY WitH Mr UncleDaniel We WenT ShOppIng For UR PrESent AimIng ThiNgs ReLaTed TO WInnIe The Pooh FRom Soft TOy~s to DispLay ItemS Tat's Where WE cAmE ACrOss One Set Of WinnIe The Pooh GLAssEs KnEW U WOulD Like IT WE BOughT it got It Back Home N I WraP it wItH GlAss PAper Know~Ing U wouldn'T uSe It ArE U UsinG iT D? SOmeTimes In SChool FroM Far I COuld See U COmIng I ACtEd Im AfRaid To SeE u bUt Im GlAd U eVen REmemBer SiNce U Got So Many CoolEr FrEnz To HaNg Around I Miss The OlD DayS in 2nDary SchooL tHose WerE The BesT Days OF All EvEn LEttINg JOhN Cane is MeMorAblE P.S. Ass Kinda Itchy Now.. TeeHee... ^^V MY 19Th Birthday U were OuT Tat Day But U Did Came Nways But I FaiLed To EnteRtaIn U Even I Said I woUlD bUT tHEre'S JUsT TOo Much PpL To AttEnd S O R R Y EvEn AfteR The PArTy I StaYEd In The CAr CAUse She WoulDnt LeT me Get DowN... =S U wERe TiRed BuT At The SaMe TiMe AbIT AngrY I ASsUme BuT U STaYed S O R R Y ~ Again AGAin
Yes... Im Not UpDATeD WiTh UR HappENIng~s AgAIn S O R R Y ~ BuT I Can AdMiT I ReMeMBEr~ed Our PasT P.s. Bryan Got Good Memories HvIng U As My FReN Is A Gr8 THiNg HViNg U AS My ClOsE Fren Is BeyOnd Tis WorlD's HappIeSt~Gr8-EsT~OMFG-eSt ThIng Tat HappEneD To ME... ^^V I Do IgNOre My FRenZ SomEtiMes BuT I Do REMembeR ThM HardCore~lY So DoNT AngRy K~s? I PrOmIse I StAy UPDatEd On Ur ThiNgs... ^^V |
Monday, January 18, 2010 @ Monday, January 18, 2010
Tmr ~ (monday 18/1/10) start work jor.
At an IT company Rexit Berhad. Not feeling very nervous. But there's butterflies in the stomach. LOL But hey. Belum Try belum tau, selepas try hari hari mau but I dont think I hari hari mau. LOL Saw a Church VId. kinda touching I used to went there very often. But by the time I was facing my spm I stopped Once in a while only go back once. It's not tat I dont wanan go. Just tat while I was there. I felt like Different. lol Well. may I say? I aint christian Am a free-thinker. Mayb tis apart me with thm? But after seeing the VId in facebook A sudden urge asked me to go back LOL Y/N?? xD Nways... Gonna slp early me. Tmr work 6am wake up 6.30/6.45am out wish me luck guys. ^^v |
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haha... Finally blog back jor... XD... Guess will continue to blog jor ba.. Since I wont hv much free time to do other things in the coming days... Nways... Today went for INTERVIEW the ReXit Berhad's CEO... Suprise? Who will usually interviewed by CEO... Well... I Did... lol... He told me to see him by 3pm. but i got there by 2pm. my aunty ask me to go in early since it's ok. so i went in by 2.30pm... As usual heart pumping like crazy. 1st time formal interview leh... XD... WEnt to his room Sat down... all the staffs there so diam... DAMN... lol Chit chat with him (INTERVIEW)... Lol... after tat ask me whn can i start work. i said anytime. So monday gonna go in work jor... XD... Scare but hey! golden chance leh. XD RANDOM PHOTOSMiss Chew Yi & my Feet. =p! LeisureMall geh chinese new year decorations |
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